Provide efficient, safe and reliable logistics services

Rui International has more than 10 years of freight experience, we stand on the customer's point of view, to recommend the best logistics solutions for you

Company introduction

Company introduction

As a non-vessel freight forwarding company, Shangrui was established in 2014 and is a first-class international freight forwarding enterprise approved by the Ministry of Commerce. We provide container shipping, freezer and dangerous goods shipping booking, customs agent, inspection, warehousing and other services. Pass near After 10 years of efforts, the company's business has sustained and steady development, and it is a comprehensive international logistics enterprise with comprehensive services. Current business Covering South China, the international agent network throughout Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea, South America, North America, Australia and New Zealand, Europe.

Contracting company

Sunray International has signed long-term contracts with many internationally renowned shipping companies to provide customers with more affordable services

Industry dynamics

Shangrui International provides you with the latest developments in the shipping industry and keeps abreast of current events